
Help us celebrate and support refugees in our community by joining us for World Refugee Day!

Event Overview:

The Summer Market will be the first portion of the day, from 9am-12pm. It will include multicultural entertainment, kids activities, food vendors, and goods for sale by both refugee and local artisans. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend! 

The second part of the day, from 1-3pm, will be a specific celebration for our local refugee community! World Refugee Day is a treasured holiday that brings refugees from all backgrounds together to remember and celebrate their shared courage with food, activities, and performances. This part of the day will not be open to the public, but we would love to have volunteers assist us in hosting a safe & fun event honoring our refugee neighbors!

Both portions of the event will be on Saturday, June 22nd at City of Refuge (10 N. Garth Avenue).

Volunteer Needs:

  • Set Up Crew 7:30-9:30am (tents, decor, tables, signage, help vendors unload, direct traffic)
  • Kid Activity Assistant 9am-12pm (face painting, safety eyes on playground, etc.)
  • Event Assistant 9am-12pm (trash, food assistance, logistics, etc.)
  • Midday Crew 11:30am-1:30pm (help vendors pack up, transition to WRD celebration potluck, serve food, tables & chairs)
  • Clean Up Crew 3-5pm (tables & chairs, trash, help load up activity booths)
  • Host an Activity Booth 1-3pm*

*Hosting an activity booth is a great way for a group/family/org to participate in World Refugee Day by providing a fun game/activity for kids and families to enjoy! Activity ideas can include things like giant Jenga, a bean-bag toss, putt putt, etc. Simple to play and easy to set up is best! Activity booth hosts should plan to bring all of their own materials, although COR may be able to provide limited access to power and 10'x10' tents if necessary. Details will be worked out after registration! Please only register 1 volunteer (the main point of contact) if you/your group would like to host an activity booth.